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The menu source provides text marketing at actual cost.

Restaurant Force already has many phone numbers. You can find customer's phone number in your POS system.
The phone number in the Force is an existing customer, not an unspecified number.

You can send your customers a variety of information, including new menus, special menus for each day of the week, Parents' Day, wedding specials, New Year's greetings, Christmas, and coupon codes (dispatch %, displaying expiration dates).

1) When sending text marketing, you should create a web page in advance and then click on the link so that customer can check the details. - Free Offer -

2) The only thing you will provide at the restaurant is the phone number, and you can record it in words, text files, Excel files, etc. and send it to us by email. - Actual Cost: $99.00/1000 phone number -

If you contact us through Contact, we will inform you in detail.

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