Restaurant online ordering system, professional ordering website, POS system, no more expensive POS!

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Our Service


Complete One Stop Shop

You can use the app without downloading the app using the PWA App.


Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) allow users to access a website's functionality and content without downloading and installing a traditional mobile app from an app store. PWAs are websites that are designed to work like native mobile apps, offering features such as offline access, push notifications, and a responsive design for various devices.

Users can access a PWA by simply visiting the website in their mobile browser. The PWA can be installed on the home screen of a mobile device, making it easily accessible, and it can function similarly to a native app. PWAs have gained popularity because they offer a more lightweight and user-friendly alternative to traditional app downloads.

PWAs use modern web technologies, such as service workers, to provide an app-like experience, even when there is no internet connection. They can be a practical solution for businesses and developers looking to reach users on mobile devices without the friction of app store downloads and updates.



Providing PWA Apps for Restaurant Owners

  • PWA-prograssive web app 제공
  • Phone/iPad/Android phone/Android pad/PC/Mac All available
  • Dark and Light mode - Real time notification
  • Thermal printer supported
  • Online Payment Available
  • Menu Item Management Functions
  • Auto assign features Delivery management


Web Version Demo for Customers


Click here to see a demo for your desktop and laptop computers.



Mobile Version Demo for Customers


If you scan or click the QR code below on your smartphone (iPhone, Android phone), you can see a mobile demo for your customers.



A demonstration for restaurant owners


Click here to see a demo for the restaurant owner.

Username: owner

Password: owner


Provide a restaurant sales analysis tool

  • Check sales by menu
  • Analysis of sales by customer
  • Analysis of sales by period

You can improve the problem and predict the future through sales analysis.


QR Code menu

Provides a QR code menu for restaurants.

You can see the menu by scanning or clicking on the QR code below.



Provide PWA Apps for Customers

  • PWA-prograssive web app for customer
  • iPhone/iPad/Android phone/Android pad/PC/Mac All available
  • Show Order Progress


Real-time show of requests from restaurants to customers using push notification technology


Customers can receive confirmation, food preparation, and pick-up in the restaurant as long as they stay on the screen they ordered, saving time for customers and restaurants, and minimizing customer complaints about waiting.


The quantity of orders can be limited by day of the week and time of the week to prevent a flood of orders.


You can select an order type, select a day of the week, and put in and save the start and end times, and the maximum number of orders you can receive during that time.
In the same way, you can enter as many additional add as you want.


Your order is automatically printed and can be printed whenever necessary


Supports 3 types of printers.


It also provides delivery apps for delivery men.



Free restaurant brand website, domain, hosting

We pay for the website, as well as the domain and hosting cost.

SEO will help customers quickly find your restaurant in the search.


Customer order online, don't go to another site.

A typical online ordering site changes from the customer's website to a professional ordering site when ordering online. The website in the name of your restaurant provided by the MenuOne does not leave your restaurant website. We are more friendly to your restaurant's brand strategy.


We provide Web POS (Option)


MenuOne also offers POS. Online orders and POS are managed in one place.


Provide manuals for restaurant owners and workers

Not only the owner, but also the employees can quickly learn how to use it.
If only the owner knows how to use it, it's not the end. Employees can change from time to time, so it's very important to make sure that they know how to use them quickly.

Please see Owner's Manual.


Technology is hightend, price is almost free

Online order usage may be very small, or not at all.
Please contact us for details.


Continuous updates

We are continuously updating our customers by actively accepting their requests.



What to prepare in a restaurant

1) Please take a picture of the business license and send it to Skype id: HL1AFG
2) Please let us know if the business name and restaurant name are different.
3) Logo File original
4) MENU MATERIAL: We like it made from computer materials.
5) Food Photo: As much as you have


Coupon marketing

As online operating costs can be drastically reduced, marketing can be performed to increase regular customers and increase sales.
1) Set coupon name, discount rate, minimum order amount, expiration date, and coverage.
2) After making coupons, distribute them to post customers and customers in the store to induce repurchase
3) Measures to ensure that coupons are applied to online purchases online


Please request demo for how use our online order system

  • It takes about 20 minutes and you can stay at home, or in the any place.
  • You can actually see how orders are placed, how restaurants receive orders, and how customers receive notifications
  • Preparation for demo: Please prepare 2 any dvice. One will see how the customer places the order, and the other will see how they receive the order



Please contact us via Skype.

Skype can be used on a computer, so it's convenient for us to use.


David Shim/MenuOne

Tel: +1 778 386 0701

Skype ID: HL1AFG


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